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Germany: Federal Office for Migration rejects asylum for Russian refusers

Russia, Belarus, Ukraine: What about the protection of refusers?

(17.02.2023) In autumn 2022, many German politicians agreed that Russian deserters, draft evaders and conscientious objectors should be protected. But the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) is creating other facts. PRO ASYL and Connection e.V. demand clear improvements for conscientious objectors from all sides who do not want to fight in this war.

Ukraine: Drop all charges against Vitaly Alekseenko immediately

Conscientious objector goes to prison

(18.01.2023) In Ukraine, on 16 January 2023, Ivano-Frankivsk Appeal Court rejected the appeal of 46-year-old Christian Vitaly Alekseenko against his conviction for refusing call up to the military on conscientious grounds. "I told the court I agree that I have broken the law of Ukraine," Alekseenko told Forum 18, "but I am not guilty under the law of God." When he gets the written verdict, which he expects on 19 January, the one-year imprisonment sentence will go into force and he expects to be taken to prison immediately afterwards.

Russland: Keine gesetzliche Regelung für Alternativen Dienst während einer Mobilisierung

(19.12.2022) In Zeiten der Mobilisierung gibt es keine rechtlichen oder praktischen Regelungen für den Alternativen Dienst, obwohl die Verfassung dieses Recht allen Bürgern garantiert. Das hat dazu geführt, dass die Rekrutierungsbüros Anträge auf Alternativen Dienst ablehnen und Kriegsdienstverweigerer zu Militäreinheiten schicken. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht eine Gesetzesänderung vom November 2022, dass Personen, die sich bereits im Alternativen Dienst befinden, innerhalb der Streitkräfte in einem unbewaffneten Dienst eingesetzt werden können. „Mit dieser Gesetzesänderung wird der Alternative Dienst als Alternative zum Militärdienst während einer Mobilisierung faktisch abgeschafft“, so die Anwältin Valeriya Vetoshkina.

IFOR briefs the UN Human Rights Committee on the right to conscientious objection in Russia

On October 17th the International Fellowship of Reconciliation participated in the formal briefing at the 136th session of the UN Human Rights Committee. During the ongoing session, after two postponements, the members of the Committee will review the Russian Federation and formulate Concluding Observations. Members of the Civil Society have been invited to submit reports in advance and to participate in briefing meetings with the Committee to provide useful information. IFOR took advantage of the 4 minutes speaking opportunity to report on illegal recruitment, cruel treatment of refusers to combat operations in Ukraine, human rights violations of those protesting against the war and other related issues.

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