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André Shepherd

U.S. AWOL soldier André Shepherd: European Court of Justice Advocate General Reinforces Rights of Refusers

(11.11.2014) In the legal case of U.S. AWOL soldier André Shepherd (37) the European Court of Justice Advocate General, Eleanor Sharpton, today published her final opinion. This official statement contains guiding deliberations for the interpretation of the so-called Qualification Directive of the European Union. Amongst other considerations, these rules state that those endangered by prosecution or punishment for refusal to perform military service involving an illegal war or commital of war crimes, should be protected by the European Union.

USA: War resister Sara Beining court martial set for Dec. 9

(11.11.2014) Facing a lengthy prison sentence, Army war resister Sara Beining is scheduled to be court martialed at Fort Carson, Colorado at 9am, December 9th, on two counts of desertion. Supporters are encouraged to attend the trial, contribute to her legal and prison fund, and send her letters letter of support to: Sara Beining, A0305918 / Criminal Justice Center / 2739 E. Las Vegas St / Colorado Springs, CO 80906.

USA: Army refuser Sara Beining arrested and jailed after going AWOL again

Write a solidarity letter

(26.09.2014) A single mother and Iraq war veteran is in jail in Colorado Springs. Sara Beining went AWOL a second time last summer after a nearly year-long delay in resolving the original charge that resulted when she left her unit at Ft. Hood in January, 2007.

André Shepherd

AWOL U.S. soldier André Shepherd at European Court of Justice

Invitation to Hearing and Press Conference

(17.06.2014) June 25, 2014, the European Court of Justice will hear the case of AWOL U.S. soldier André Shepherd, who filed an application for political asylum in Germany in 2008.


We invite you to the hearing and press conference in Luxemburg:


The hearing will take place Wednesday, June 25, 2014, at 9.30 a.m. at the European Court of Justice, Rue du Fort Niedergrünewald, L-2925 Luxemburg (


A press conference will be held afterwards, expected time: 12.00 h in Casino Syndical de Bonnevoie, 63, rue de Bonnevoie in L-1260 Luxembourg.