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Olga Karatch a Brema. Foto: die Schwelle.

«Il mio esilio, gridando gli orrori del regime bielorusso»

Intervista con Olga Karatch

(29.04.2024) Olga Karach è un’attivista bielorussa, politologa e direttrice dell’organizzazione per i diritti umani “Our House” (“La nostra casa”), fondato nel 2002 come giornale autofinanziato. Candidata al Nobel per la Pace, 45 anni, è attiva nella rete dei difensori dei diritti umani e civili oppressi nel suo Paese dal regime di Lukashenko. Il quotidiano italiano AVVENIRE ha intervistato Olga Karatch nell’ambito del progetto "Donne per la Pace".

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Stop the war - Artyom Klyga MCO Russia two years after the start of the war against Ukraine

(23.02.2024) Artyom Klyga from the Movement of Conscientious Objection Russia gives a statement at the second anniversary of the start of the war against Ukraine.

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Despite everything: Voices for an end to violence and understanding in Israel and Palestine

(17.10.2023) Hamas’s militants have invaded Israel from Gaza on October 7, 2023. "Hundreds of people were massacred in their homes and at a music festival, just entire communities decimated," reports Israeli conscientious objector Haggai Matar. It is an unimaginable horror.

News on the #ObjectWarCampaign for deserters and conscientious objectors

Russia, Belarus, Ukraine

(12.09.2023) After the success of our last action week for the #ObjectWarCampaign in May 2023 that was organized in solidarity with conscientious objectors and deserters from Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, we are now calling for another action week with more than 30 other organizations from Germany and Europe. It will occur on the International Human Rights Day from December 4-10, 2023.