CO and Asylum 

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An Overview

In this section you will find all articles with the following keywords: »Asylum«, »CO and Asylum«, and »International Resolutions«.

Photo: Ruslan Kal, depositphotos

2 years after partial mobilisation: still no asylum for Russian conscientious objectors

(20.09.2024) Even two years after the partial mobilisation declared by President Putin on 21 September 2022, Russian conscientious objectors to the war in Ukraine are generally not granted asylum in Germany. Connection e.V. has now received more than a dozen negative decisions from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). The main argument is that there is no ‘real risk’ that they will be called up to fight in the war. ‘These are people who have decided against participating in the war of aggression, which is in violation of international law,’ said Rudi Friedrich from Connection e.V. today. ‘Instead of supporting their decision, they are being ordered to return to Russia. In this way, human resources are supplied to the Russian army.’

Oral statement on the human rights of conscientious objectors and to conscientious objection and asylum

UN Human Rights Council, 57th Session

(20.09.2024) This morning, Zaira Zafarana, Connection’s international advocacy coordinator, delivered an oral statement on behalf of WRI and Connection e.V. in the plenary of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva during the General Debate on Item 3: Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. She focused on the human right of conscientious objection to military service and specifically on the OHCHR thematic report presented to the Council during the last session and on the UNHCR Guidelines on International protection which clarify that conscientious objectors who are at risk of persecutions in their country of origin qualify for refugee status.

Photo: Wikimedia

Ukrainian draftees under pressure

(15.08.2024) A few days ago, the press reported that Ukrainian men of military service age will not be issued travel documents for foreigners. Connection e.V. and PRO ASYL had called for this in May 2024. The Ministry of Social Affairs in the German county Hesse had refused to issue travel documents, stating that it was reasonable to expect those affected to travel to Ukraine to obtain a passport and fulfil their military service obligations. How should this be assessed?

φωτογραφία: Zani Arkadina

Προστασία των Λευκορώσων αντιρρησιών συνείδησης, Βιτάλι Ντβαριάσιν και Μικίτα Σβιρίντ

Στη Λιθουανία κινδυνεύετε με απέλαση στη Λευκορωσία!

(29.07.2024) Η Λιθουανία οφείλει να προστατεύσει τους Λευκορώσους αντιρρησίες συνείδησης και λιποτάκτες, να εξασφαλίσει επαρκή νομική προστασία και να αποτρέψει την απέλασή τους!

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