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EBCO calls for the release of the Turkish-Cypriot conscientious objector Haluk Selam Tufanli

International day of action: Tuesday 9 December 2014

(08.12.2014) The European Bureau for Conscientious Objectors (EBCO) condemns the unacceptable and anachronistic practice of the Turkish-Cypriot authorities to prosecute and imprison conscientious objectors to military service. EBCO calls for the immediate release of 31-year-old conscientious objector Haluk Selam Tufanli and for the full recognition of the right to conscientious objection to military service for conscripts, reservists and professional members of the armed forces, in line with European and international standards.

Action in Athen

International Action Day for Cypriot CO Murat Kanatlı


(03.03.2014) The Turkish-Cypriot conscientious objector Murat Kanatlı was sentenced to ten days in prison for his refusal to participate in the annual compulsory military exercises in the northern part of Cyprus Februar 25, 2014. February 28 organizations of conscientious objectors from several countries demanded his release on an international action day. In Greece the police stopped the action and detained the activists for two hours.

Murat Kanatlı

EBCO shocked at imprisonment of its Board Member Murat Kanatlı

(25.02.2014) “EBCO is shocked at the provocative and outrageous imprisonment of its Board Member Murat Kanatlı, a Cypriot conscientious objector and human rights activist, and demands its immediate and unconditional release. We also call for the full recognition of the right to conscientious objection for conscripts, reservists and professional members of the armed forces, in line with European and international standards”, Friedhelm Schneider, EBCO’s President stated today, after Turkish Cypriot conscientious objector Murat Kanatlı was sentenced to 10 days in prison for his refusal on grounds of conscience to participate in the annual compulsory military exercises in the northern part of Cyprus.

Kibris’ta Vicdani ret Akdeniz Konferansi


(10.02.2014) Birinci Vicdani Ret Akdeniz konfreransi 1 ocak ve 3 subat 2014 tarihleri arasinda Kibris'ta gerceklesmistir. Bu konferansa Yunanistan, Kibris, Filistin, Israil, Misir ve Türkiye'den 30 un üzerinde aktivist katilmistir. Ayrica Almanya'dan, Büyük Britanya'dan ve Isvicre'den katilan misafirler de Konferansta yerlerini almislardir.