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Conscientious objection action 2014 in Istanbul. Militarism kills. Photo: Vicdani Ret Derneği

History of Conscientious Objection in Turkey

(15.05.2021) The struggle for conscientious objection in Turkey started with Tayfun Gönül’s declaration on 6th of December 1989 and Vedat Zencir’s declaration on 6th of February 1990, both publıshed in Sokak (a magazine called ‘Street’).1 These actions – of two Turkish individuals coming out and declaring “I will not join the military”, and standing against all policies of violence, conflict and war – were extremely important. During this period massacres, deployment of unknown assailants, and torture were common means of a state policy carried out within a “homeland-nation” discourse.

Action d‘objection de conscience 2014. Le militarisme tue. Photo : Vicdani Ret Derneği

Histoire de l‘objection de conscience en Turquie

(15.05.2021) La lutte des objecteurs de conscience en Turquie commence avec la déclaration de Tayfun Gönül, le 6 décembre 1989, et la déclaration de Vedat Zencir, le 6 février 1990, toutes deux publiées dans un magazine intitulé Sokak [La rue].1 C’était une objection extrêmement importante que ces deux citoyens turcs ont manifestée. Ils disaient : « Je ne veux pas aller à l’armée » marquant ainsi, en 1989-90, leur opposition à toutes les politiques de violence, de conflit et de guerre. À une période où les massacres, les assassinats non résolus et la torture deviennent monnaie courante dans la politique de l’État. Tout cela au son de discours psalmo­diant la « patrie-nation ».

Vicdani ret eylemi 2014.  Fotoğraf: Vicdani Ret Derneği

Eylemlerden e-postalara Türkiye’de Vicdani Ret

(15.05.2021) Türkiye’de vicdani retçilerin mücadelesi Tayfun Gönül’ün 6 Aralık 1989, Vedat Zencir’in ise 6 Şubat 1990 tarihlerinde Sokak dergisi üzerinden vicdani retlerini açıklamaları ile başlar.1 Katliamların, faili meçhullerin, işkencelerin bir devlet politikası olarak sıradanlaştığı ve bütün bunların “vatan-millet”söylemleriyle birlikte sürdürüldüğü 1989-90 yıllarında iki Türk bireyinin çıkıp bütün bu şiddet, çatışma ve savaş politikalarına karşı “askere gitmiyorum” demeleri son derece önemli bir itirazdı.

Artikel 4 of German constitution on a wall at German Bundestag

How is it to be a conscientious objector from Turkey in Europe?

(15.05.2021) My name is Beran Mehmet İşçi. I am from Turkey and of Kurdish origin (Zaza1). I am a conscientious objector, author and poet. In November 2018, I declared my conscientious objection in Turkey. Due to the situation there, I had to hide for a while. But there was always the question of how I could continue my life. Seeing no other option, I finally decided to move to Europe and to apply for asylum. In February 2019, I arrived in Germany and applied for asylum.