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Conscientious Objection in Turkey

Description and contents of the booklet

(15.05.2021) In Turkey, the first conscientious objectors publicly declared their objections in the early 1990s and stood up against war, the military and compulsory service. In the meantime, far more than 1,000 conscripts have declared their conscientious objections. Furthermore, hundreds of thousands have evaded military service, using other ways or hiding. Faced with prosecution, several hundred have sought asylum abroad. By now Turkey is the only member state in the Council of Europe that has not recognised the right to conscientious objection to military service.

This booklet is published 30 years after the first public declarations of conscientious objection. It takes stock, describes the solidarity work for the conscientious objection movement from abroad and gives a voice to conscientious objectors, some of whom were active in Turkey for years and have now gone into exile.

A publication to the International Day of Conscientious Objection in a quadrilingual online edition.


Turkey: Conscientious Objection Bulletin

January - February 2021

(08.03.2021) In the second issue of the Conscientious Objection Bulletin, you will find two statements released by our association in January and February; information about the applications for information we received from our followers regarding military service; up-to-date information on the rights violations experienced by conscientious objectors during January and February; information about the cases followed by VR-DER in January and February. You will also find a number of recent declarations of conscientious objection.

If you want to get information about the monitoring work carried out by VRDER, you can contact us on our website and social media accounts.

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Turkey: Conscientious Objection Bulletin

November - December 2020

(10.01.2021) We, as the Conscientious Objection Association (VR-DER), aim to documen tthe current situation on the right to conscientious objection in Turkey with this bulletin. The Conscientious Objection Bulletin will be published periodically during the year.
In doing so, we hope to be able to provide the flow of information needed in the field. We hope that we will increase public awareness of the right to conscientious objection with the help of bulletins which will include applications to our Association, new declarations of conscientious objection and up-to-date information on the court cases of conscientious objectors.
If you want to get more information about our monitoring work, you can contact us on our
website, social media accounts and dernek(at)

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Ruslan Kotsaba

„We condemn politically motivated prosecution of Ruslan Kotsaba”

Statement by Ukrainian Pacifist Movement

(08.12.2020) 10 December 2020, the court in Kolomyya scheduled hearings in a criminal case of Ruslan Kotsaba, the journalist and pacifist who published in 2015 video blog calling to boycott mobilization for armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine. Kotsaba was accused of treason and obstructing military operations, crimes punishable from 5 to 15 years of imprisonment, arrested, and declared a prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International.