Human Rights 

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Photo: Zaira Zafarana

Oral statement given at the plenary of the Human Rights Council on the situaton of human rights in Ukraine

UN Human Rights Council, 57th Session

(08.10.2024) Today at the UN in Geneva on the occasion of the 57th session of the UN Human Rights Council, it took place the interactive dialogue in the plenary on the situation of human rights in Ukraine. On this occasion, Connection e.V. together with War Resisters’ International prepared and delivered in the plenary a statement addressing the situation of conscientious objectors and the prosecution of human rights defender Yurii Sheliazhenko.

Greece and Turkey: Connection e.V. reports to the UN Human Rights Committee on conscientious objection

(25.09.2024) Connection e.V. has just submitted two reports to conscientious objection to military service about Greece and Turkey which will be reviewed this coming October by the group of experts of the Committee during the 142nd session.

Human Rights Violations Concerning Mobilization in the Ukrainian Territory

(26.08.2024) Together with its international partner Connection e.V. and local partner Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, WRI expresses serious concern about the violation of the human right to conscientious objection to military service in Ukraine. The organisations are deeply concerned about the ongoing war of aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine and the forced mobilization in the occupied territories.

Zum Antikriegstag – Neuer Flyer der #ObjectWarCampaign und weitere Materialien

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(13.08.2024) Zum Antikriegstag am 1. September haben wir den Flyer der #ObjectWarCampaign überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Ihr könnt den und andere Materialien zur Unterstützung der Kriegsdienstverweiger*innen und Deserteur*innen aus Russland, Belarus und der Ukraine ab sofort bei Connection e.V. oder der DFG-VK bestellen.