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’This Isn’t a Country I’ll Sacrifice My Life For’

Why 130 Israeli Soldiers Are Refusing to Serve

(09.10.2024) Physically and mentally exhausted from the war, appalled by what they see as a far-right spirit sweeping the army, and feeling anger at the abandonment of the hostages, 130 reservists and conscripts say they will no longer report for duty if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fails to strike a deal with Hamas

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Hunderte von israelischen Soldat*innen verweigern den Dienst in Gaza

Newsletter des Refuser Solidarity Network (RSN)

(22.09.2024) In den letzten Wochen haben wir eine beispiellose Welle erlebt: Hunderte von Soldat*innen, die den Krieg in Gaza verweigern. Solche Wellen haben in der Vergangenheit mindestens zweimal die israelischen Kriege gegen die Palästinenser*innen beendet. Das Refuser Solidarity Network unterstützt diese Gruppen tatkräftig, indem es finanzielle, rechtliche und organisatorische Hilfe leistet. Wir tun dies seit über 20 Jahren und werden dies auch in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten tun, bis dieser Krieg beendet ist.

Hundreds of Israeli soldiers refuse to serve in Gaza

Newsletter of the Refuser Solidarity Network (RSN)

(22.09.2024) In the past few weeks we are seeing an unprecedented wave, hundreds of soldiers that are refusing the war in Gaza. Such waves ended Israeli wars against the Palestinians at least twice in the past.

Oral statement on the human rights of conscientious objectors and to conscientious objection and asylum

UN Human Rights Council, 57th Session

(20.09.2024) This morning, Zaira Zafarana, Connection’s international advocacy coordinator, delivered an oral statement on behalf of WRI and Connection e.V. in the plenary of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva during the General Debate on Item 3: Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. She focused on the human right of conscientious objection to military service and specifically on the OHCHR thematic report presented to the Council during the last session and on the UNHCR Guidelines on International protection which clarify that conscientious objectors who are at risk of persecutions in their country of origin qualify for refugee status.