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Davit Nazaretyan

Armenia: Conscientious objector begins two-year jail term

(20.08.2024) On 20 August, Yerevan police took 21-year-old Baptist conscientious objector Davit Nazaretyan to the city’s Nubarashen Prison to begin his two-year jail term for refusing military service on grounds of conscience. Nina Karapetyants of the Helsinki Association for Human Rights described Nubarashen as "the worst prison" in Armenia. "There are no proper conditions for exercise or for taking a shower." The office of Human Rights Defender Anahit Manasyan did not respond to questions on what it might do to defend Nazaretyan’s rights.

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Yuval Moav, Itamar Greenberg and Oryan Mueller. (Oren Ziv)

Three Israeli army refusers: "We will not participate in genocide"

Conscientious objectors Yuval Moav, Itamar Greenberg, and Oryan Mueller explain why they are willing to go to jail in order to stand against the war.

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φωτογραφία: Zani Arkadina

Προστασία των Λευκορώσων αντιρρησιών συνείδησης, Βιτάλι Ντβαριάσιν και Μικίτα Σβιρίντ

Στη Λιθουανία κινδυνεύετε με απέλαση στη Λευκορωσία!

(29.07.2024) Η Λιθουανία οφείλει να προστατεύσει τους Λευκορώσους αντιρρησίες συνείδησης και λιποτάκτες, να εξασφαλίσει επαρκή νομική προστασία και να αποτρέψει την απέλασή τους!

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Humanitarian aid for Belarusian and Ukrainian refugees in Lithuania. Photo: Nash Dom.

Mikita Sviryd: The story of a Belarusian deserter in Lithuania

Stuck between the threat of death penalty in Belarus and illegal refugee status in Lithuania

Mikita Sviryd, a Belarusan deserter who, when the war started in Ukraine, fled illegally to Lithuania because he was afraid that the Belarusan army would go to Ukraine to help Russia. Today Mikita is an illegal refugee, Lithuania has denied the young deserter political asylum. In Belarus, desertion can be punishable by death penalty. Today, he is desperate and expects nothing good in his future. What is for geopolitics the fate of one guy who at the age of 19 decided to give up being a soldier? #protection4Nikita