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"I must tell the world what is happening there"

An Eye Witness from Eritrea

The America Team for Freedom for Eritrea met and talked with two Eritreans who came to the United States recently. One of the individuals has shared with us how conditions are in the countryside, as well as in Asmara. He left Eritrea in late 2008 and came to the US in February, 2009.

Eritrea: The Shoot-to-Kill Heinous Policy Brings the Death of Four Innocent Teenager Boys

(11.02.2009) It has been quite some time now since the dictatorial regime in Eritrea has imposed its “shoot-to-kill” heinous policy on Eritreans who try to escape the country. Many young people were shot to death along the borders by the henchmen of the regime and this crime is continuing unabated. One of the most heinous crimes perpetrated by the Eritrean regime’s soldiers is the one, which was committed on the night of December 31, 2008 on six Eritrean teenager boys.

Presentation of Eritrean Antimilitarist Initiative

(01.05.2005) We are conscientious objectors from Eritrea, living in Germany. We advocate for a peaceful future and the right to Conscientious Objection in Eritrea. Our initiative is independent from any Eritrean organization, political or otherwise. We are open to all individuals or groups who want to be engaged in our initiative and work toward common aims.