Conscientious Objection 

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Danil und Vladimir

Now on the YouTube channel @RefusetoKill: Conversations with the Russian conscientious objectors Danil and Vladimir

"Those who are against the war waged by Putin’s regime should speak out together in public"

(24.01.2024) In October 2023, Connection e.V. interviewed the two conscientious objectors Danil and Vladimir from Russia. The interviews were conducted in Russian and can now be streamed on the YouTube channel (at)RefusetoKill. Both English and German subtitles are available.

Video of the interview with Danil:

Video of the interview with Vladimir:

Israel: Conscientious objector Tal Mitnick imprisoned again

Please send a protest eMail

(23.01.2024) On Tuesday, 23rd January, conscientious objector Tal Mitnick, 18, from Israel was imprisoned again for his refusal to serve in the military. This is Tal’s second imprisonment and he was sentenced to 30 more days in military prison. He will have spent 60 days behind bars in total upon completion of his second term in prison. Send your protest email to the Israeli Minister of Defense here.

Sofia Orr. Foto: Oren Ziv

“No Military Solution to a Political Problem”

Israeli teen refuses to enlist

(30.12.2023) I made the decision to refuse before the war. I made that decision, because I refused to take part in the IDF’s violent policies of oppression and apartheid and to be part of this endless cycle of bloodshed. I choose to refuse because there is no military solution to a political problem. And now, with the war that has become more apparent than ever. And so my refusal is more important to me than ever.

Ukraine blatantly violates the human rights of peace activists and conscientious objectors

(29.12.2023) The European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO), War Resisters’ International (WRI), the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), and Connection e.V. (Germany) express their deep disappointment and grave concerns about the continuing harassment of peace activists and conscientious objectors, including arbitrary prosecutions and unfair judgments, as well as the inappropriate provisions of the new mobilization bill No 10378 of 25.12.2023 proposed by the Ukrainian army. All charges against peace activists and conscientious objectors should be dropped, and those in prison should be released immediately and unconditionally, given that they are clearly prisoners of conscience. Moreover, the new bill about conscription should include provisions for the full recognition of the right to conscientious objection to military service.